Socioeconomic Forecasting

Socioeconomic Forecasting
Socioeconomic programming in making short, medium and long-range socioeconomic forecasts is one of the principal functions of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The Ministry of Economy:
• develops medium and long-range regional scenarios of socioeconomic development in the Republic of Tatarstan by analyzing socioeconomic environment and assessing external and internal factors;
• facilitates and coordinates preliminary assessment of the key socioeconomic forecast indicators in the Republic of Tatarstan taking into account the scenario-based operational environment of the Russian economy and the scenarios of regional development;
• coordinates cooperation of ministries and authorities in adjusting socioeconomic forecast indicators in the Republic of Tatarstan (taking into account the results of consideration of the preliminary national socioeconomic forecast by the Government of the Russian Federation, the assessment of the current socioeconomic environment and adjusted macroeconomic forecasts);
• files the documents listed above to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and to the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Socioeconomic forecast of the Republic of Tatarstan is an economic foundation of the budget proposal of the Republic of Tatarstan.
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