The monitoring of the status and development of the competitive environment on the market of services for pre-school education in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2016 has been finalized

15 September 2017, Friday

Since 2015 in the framework of implementation of the standard of developing competition in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, approved by the Direction No.1738-р (Standard) of September 5, 2015 issued by the Government of the Russian Federation, the status and development of the competitive environment in the markets for the goods, works and services of the Republic of Tatarstan are monitored annually. Please see the results of the monitoring of the status and development of the competitive environment on the market of services for pre-school education in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2016.

In total 61 respondents, operating on the market of pre-education services, were interviewed.

Most respondents noted the overall state of competition as favourable. For example, the biggest number of respondents (41.4%) expressed the opinion about the big number of competitors, 17.2 per cent of companies responded, that the number of competitors was in the range of 4 and more.

At that it is possible to say about the presence of large players with a significant market share. Most of the interviewed companies (79, 3%) reported about the presence of one or more major players.

The biggest share of respondents notes a high (48.3%) and very high (13.8%) competition.

The responses to the question about the impact of competition to business evidence the stimulating role of competition. 37,9% consider that competition is useful for business development. More than 58% of the respondents tend to be neutral and only 3, 5% are convinced that competition is not beneficial.

The respondents note the following factors as key factors for competitiveness in the market: The uniqueness of company's products, trust to clients and high product quality. Thus, it is possible to speak about the non-price nature of competition in the market.

The majority of respondents consider that the main reasons for the increase in the number of competitors are related to the government policy, which is manifested in changes in the legal and regulatory framework, governing the entrepreneurial activities (31 %) and in the implementation of state support measures for entrepreneurs (41,4 %). 13,8% of the respondents declared about the increase in the number of competitors at the expense of the appearance of companies from other regions of the Russian Federation.

The majority of the respondents indicated training of personnel as the answer to the question about the method of improving the products competitiveness. The second place - new marketing strategies (34.5%) and only 6.9% were operating at the expense of cost reductions. Based on the results of the monitoring, the following actions plan can be composed:

1) Promotion of upgrading qualifications in the field of education.

2) Promotion of interregional (international) exchange of experience for the staff.

3) Facilitating the availability of the first floors of new multi-storey buildings for pre-education facilities.

The standard of competition development is aimed at creating conditions for the development of competition in the markets for goods and services in the region, the transparency of the work of the regional authorities, the provision of incentives to protect small and medium-sized businesses and the elimination of administrative barriers.

According to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan of 6 May 2014, No. 799-R the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan is the authorized body of the executive branch of the Republic of Tatarstan to promote competition in the Republic of Tatarstan.

It should be noted that the activities aimed at improving the competitive environment in the Republic of Tatarstan are included in the road map for supporting competition within the framework of the implementation of the Standard.

The information n realization of the Standard in the Republic of Tatarstan in posted on the site of the Ministry in section "Competition development" (

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